Le Mannequin!
Entry no.2
For this entry I have uploaded photos of mannequins that I think would be possible choices. These are photos from ebay once again, so many of them may not be available now, but these are the ones I see the most frequently advertised on ebay, so if they are not available now, they may be at a later date.
This one is a new form, adjustable, and not a bad choice for fitting and sharpening your eye for shape and movement, but it would not be easy to use as a draping mannequin.
The draping mannequin must be a solid form so that you may build and shape her to yourself or to your client. (photos of that type of mannequin to follow)
This is once again an adjustable form. She is older, but what I like about this possibility is that she has the above bust adjustment, below bust adjustment, and the torso length adjustment plus all the other regular adjustments.
The problem may arise from the age of the form. It may need a new cover and that may take some work. I do like her adjustment possibilities and she may be worth the work, plus she may be lesser expensive than the newer ones. The base of this one might be a bit unstable however.
This form is a true professional draping fitting form. As you can see, she is shaped correctly front and back. She is a solid form and she could be built up easily. You cannot see that base but it is stable and easy to control as one is draping. She is new, and she is not too expensive and is available from an ebay store. My only complaint is that she is a dark color and I would prefer to recover her with a light colored heavy muslin as I have done with my own mannequin in a previous post. (process photos included)
This is the most expensive model. She is from the same ebay store as the previous mannequin. She is perfect except for only one thing and it is my personal complaint in general about professional forms. She has a heavy metal cage at the bottom which makes it very difficult to lift and to place on a table, step back and get a perspective. BUT!!! She's really pretty!!
I have included this form because she is a used mannequin and you see these often. She is built like the previous form, she has the unfortunate cage but she is a good one. She would have to be recovered as she is a bit chewed up from use!!
I hope this has answered some of the questions that I have been asked. Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or comments.
The Arm grading and consntruction will be the next post.
One thing that I find bothersome in my dress forms (I've used mostly Wolf and Superior) is the inability to keep them from turning. Do you know if any professional forms come with stops to prevent the easy spin about their axis?